Announcement from Turkey, June 2023:
We are delighted to announce that the Virginia Woolf Society of Turkey has been established. Our overall aim is to expand Woolf scholarship in Turkey, and create productive and supportive collaborations. To this end, we will examine and read Virginia Woolf’s literature, compare her work to other writers’ works and investigate the journey of her works in Turkey. We know how important scholarly collaborations and networks are, so every Woolfian in Turkey is welcome. We would be pleased if you would like to join our team, share your ideas for talks, blog writings, and/or projects on Virginia Woolf and her connection to Turkey.
The inaugural event of the newly formed Virginia Woolf Society of Turkey is/was an online talk on Tuesday 4 July 2023, 5pm BST, by Dr Lee Okan from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA: ‘Time’s Fluidity: Analyzing Virginia Woolf’s Orlando through Henri Bergson’s Philosophy of Duration’.
For further information, please contact: virginiawoolfturkiye@
Twitter: @VWoolfTurkiye