Issue no. 36, January 2011
ISSN 1465-2579
Editorial Committee
Stuart N. Clarke (Chief Editor)
Stephen Barkway, Mary Ellen Foley, Sarah M. Hall, Sheila M. Wilkinson
Upper wrapper: Garsington Manor from the flower garden east of the terrace, 18 April 2010
‘ … is the sunlight ever normal at Garsington? No, I think even the sky is done up in pale yellow silk, and certainly the cabbages are scented.’
(Virginia Woolf, Letters, no. 1405, to Barbara Bagenal, 24 June 1923)
Photographs on wrappers and wrappers designed by Stephen Barkway
Editorial …… Stuart N. Clarke 3
A Letter to Messrs Appleton & Co. …… Virginia Woolf 4
Note …… Stephen Barkway 4
The Royal Navy and the Dreadnought Hoax …… Danell Jones 8
The Influence of Virginia Woolf’s Fiction on the Poetry of Joan Adeney Easdale …… Hilary Newman 15
Haiku: ‘The Captain’s Death Bed’ …… Tadanobu Sakamoto 28
‘Is that a real cat?’ An Afternoon in Virginia Woolf’s Bedroom …… M. E. Foley 29
Virginia Woolf Today …… Stephen Barkway 33
Prosaic Desires: Modernist Knowledge, Laughter, Boredom, and Anticipation …… Todd Avery 38
Virginia Woolf and the Study of Nature …… Nuala Hancock 43
Race and the Modernist Imagination; Romantic Moderns: English Writers, Artists and the Imagination from Virginia Woolf to John Piper …… M. L. Banting 46
Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Language …… Kim Salmons 51
Virginia Woolf: The Echoes Enslaved …… Rebecca Neale 55
Charleston Saved 1979–1989 …… Alice Lowe 57
Modernism on Sea: Art and Culture at the British Seaside …… Brian Evans 62
Reports of Society events
Virginia Woolf is Going to Oxford! ….. Ruth Webb 66
Acknowledgements …… Stephen Barkway 77
Reading Group Meeting: Walter Sickert …… Sarah M. Hall 77
Susan Dick …… S. P. Rosenbaum 81
For Members
The Alliance of Literary Societies’ AGM weekend, 21–22 May 2011 …… Ruth Webb 82
New Life Member …… 83
Society events …… 83
Other events …… 84
Society Publications …… Inside front wrapper
Instructions for contributors …… Inside rear wrapper
Separate 40-page Supplement
The Corrected Proofs of The Common Reader by Virginia Woolf
Issue no. 37, May 2011
ISSN 1465-2579
Editorial Committee
Stuart N. Clarke (Chief Editor)
Stephen Barkway, Mary Ellen Foley, Sarah M. Hall, Lindsay Martin
Upper wrapper: 16 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea
Who in this house ‘breakfasted on eggs bleeding to death on bacon’?
See The Essays of Virginia Woolf, Vol. VI, ed. Stuart N. Clarke (Hogarth Press, 2011), 412 and p. 23 in VWB37
Photograph by Stuart N. Clarke, 20 April 2010
Photograph on rear wrapper and wrappers designed by Stephen Barkway
Editorial …… Stuart N. Clarke 3
A Letter to Maud Bodkin …… Virginia Woolf 4
Note …… Stephen Barkway 4
The Second Julia Briggs Memorial Prize
Report on the Competition …… Ruth Webb 10
Virginia Woolf and Libraries at Risk …… Clara Jones 13
Editing Virginia Woolf’s Essays …… Stuart N. Clarke 19
The ‘Increasing’ Black Population in Virginia Woolf’s Fiction …… Stuart N. Clarke 32
Haiku: Orlando: A Biography …… Stuart N. Clarke 36
Transcending Gender: Virginia Woolf and Marcel Proust, Orlando and Albertine …… Anne Delaplace 37
Virginia Woolf’s Arden Shakespeare Re-covered …… Anthea Arnold 42
Virginia Woolf Today …… Stephen Barkway 46
The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and the Arts…… Stephen Barkway 51
Virginia Woolf: The Patterns of Ordinary Experience …… Dianne Wood 56
A Thackeray Family Biography (2 vols) …… Hilary Newman 63
The Correspondence and Journals of the Thackeray Family…… Hilary Newman 67
Haiku: Three Guineas …… Stuart N. Clarke 72
The Launch of the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Virginia Woolf …… Stephen Barkway 73
Reports of Society events
Twelfth Annual Birthday Lecture, by Sue Roe …… Stephen Barkway 77
Reading Group Meeting: ‘Thunder at Wembley’ and ‘Flying over London’ …… Sarah M. Hall 78
For Members
Thirteenth Annual General Meeting …… 82
New Life Member …… 82
Society events …… 83
Society event open to non-Members …… 83
Other events …… 84
Society Publications …… Inside front wrapper
Instructions for contributors …… Inside rear wrapper
Issue No. 38, September 2011
ISSN 1465-2579
Editorial Committee
Stuart N. Clarke (Chief Editor)
Stephen Barkway, Mary Ellen Foley, Sarah M. Hall, Lindsay Martin
Upper wrapper: Wapping Old Stairs
‘ … he began going frequently to Wapping Old Stairs and the beer gardens at night, wrapped in a grey cloak to hide the star at his neck and the garter at his knee.’
(Orlando: A Biography, Hogarth Press, 1928, p. 29)
‘I went to Wapping Old Stairs, & roamed through Shadwell & Whitechapel; a change, as complete as France or Italy.’
(Diary, 22 March 1938)
Photograph by Stephen Barkway, 28 May 2011
Photographs wrappers and wrappers designed by Stephen Barkway
Editorial …… Stuart N. Clarke 3
‘Birds of London’: Virginia Stephen’s Bird-watching Notes, 1902–5 …… Ian Blyth 4
Re-reading Virginia Woolf …… Patricia Emison 9
Virginia Woolf and the Non-sense of Community …… Stuart N. Clarke 14
The Influence of Lucretius on Unity in The Waves …… James Morland 23
Gilbert White’s House (photograph) …… Mary Ellen Foley 29
Notes and Queries
Does Flaubert Open Orlando? …… Stuart N. Clarke 30
Information by Email …… Stuart N. Clarke 32
Virginia Woolf Today …… Stephen Barkway 33
Attitudes to American Slavery: Leslie and Minny Stephen …… Hilary Newman 37
The Essays of Virginia Woolf, Volume VI …… Mary Ellen Foley 46
Virginia Woolf and the Literary Marketplace …… Eleanor McNees 52
Voyages Out, Voyages Home …… Emma Wood 57
A Book for All and None …… Karen Whitaker 62
Two Academic Conferences …… Lindsay Martin 64
The 2010 Leslie Stephen Lecture, University of Cambridge …… Claire Nicholson 67
A Literary Tour to the Isle of Skye, 13–15 June 2011 …… Vanessa Underwood 69
Reports of Society events Reading Group Meeting: ‘Street Music’ …… Sarah M. Hall 72
On the South Downs Walk (photograph) …… Stephen Barkway 75
For Members
Society events …… 76
Society event open to non-Members …… 76
Other events …… 76
Society Publications …… Inside front wrapper
Instructions for contributors …… Inside rear wrapper
Issue No. 39, January 2012
ISSN 1465-2579
Editorial Committee
Stuart N. Clarke (Chief Editor)
Stephen Barkway, Mary Ellen Foley, Sarah M. Hall, Lindsay Martin
Upper wrapper: 17 The Green, Richmond upon Thames
The Woolfs had furnished rooms here between October 1914 and March 1915; their landlady was the Belgian Mrs Le Grys; the door in the centre was put in subsequently.
‘The Belgians downstairs are playing cards with some friends, & talk—talk—talk—while their country is destroyed. After all, they have nothing else to do—’ (Diary, 5 January 1915)
Photograph by Stephen Barkway, 1 March 2008
Photographs on wrappers and wrappers designed by Stephen Barkway
Editorial …… Stuart N. Clarke 3
A Letter to Isaiah Berlin …… Virginia Woolf 4
Note …… Stephen Barkway 4
Books received 9
A Room of One’s Own and Women’s Writing Today …… Alice Lowe 10
Perfect Strangers? Virginia Woolf and Francesca Allinson …… Helen Southworth 16
Virginia Woolf and Fredegond Shove: A Fluctuating Friendship …… Hilary Newman 24
Cozy Stoves and Bloomsbury …… Stuart N. Clarke 32
Virginia Woolf Today …… Stephen Barkway 38
Virginia Woolf and the Thirties Poets; How Vita Matters; ‘I’d Make It Penal’ …… AnneMarie Bantzinger 42
Virginia Woolf: A to Z …… Bea Crayford 46
Modernist Short Fiction by Women …… Kathy Chamberlain 50
A Boy at the Hogarth Press …… Doug Mackenzie 55
Hellenism and Loss in the Work of Virginia Woolf …… Ruth Saxton 58
Leonard and Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press and the Networks of Modernism …… Karen R. Daubert 61
Virginia Woolf, by Alexandra Harris …… Charlotte Jones 67
New Life Member 69
Reports of Society events
Virginia Woolf: The London Scene …… Dianne Wood 70
Reading Group Meeting: ‘America, which I Have Never Seen . . .’ …… Sarah M. Hall 76
For Members
Society events …… 80
Other events …… 80
Society Publications …… Inside front wrapper
Instructions for contributors …… Inside rear wrapper
Issue No. 40, May 2012
ISSN 1465-2579
Editorial Committee
Stuart N. Clarke (Chief Editor)
Stephen Barkway, Mary Ellen Foley, Sarah M. Hall, Lindsay Martin
Upper wrapper: Sigmund Freud’s house, 20 Maresfield Gardens, Hampstead. The Woolfs visited Freud here on 28 January 1939 (see p. 7).
Photograph by Stephen Barkway, 14 April 2012
Photographs wrappers and wrappers designed by Stephen Barkway
Editorial …… Stuart N. Clarke 3
A Letter to Heinrich Meng …… Virginia Woolf 4
Note …… Stephen Barkway 5
Rhoda Reads Shelley in The Waves: Echoes of ‘The Question’ …… Sayaka Okumura 8
Virginia Woolf and Fredegond Shove: Christina Rossetti and Liminality …… Hilary Newman 15
Wyndham Lewis’s The Apes of God — A Satire on Bloomsbury …… Lindsay Martin 25
‘Scraps, orts and fragments’: Collecting Virginia Woolf …… Emily Kopley 32
Finding Laura Stephen’s Grave …… Stuart N. Clarke 36
Virginia Woolf Today …… Stephen Barkway 38
Re-Viewing Books Published by the Hogarth Press
Change Your Sky, by Anna D. Whyte …… Stephen Barkway 43
Mrs Dalloway (Folio Society) …… Stephen Barkway 50
Beyond the Icon …… Stephen Barkway 55
Virginia Woolf: Life and London …… Susanne Forrest 57
Underground Writing …… Stuart N. Clarke 60
Bloomsbury, Modernism, and the Reinvention of Intimacy…… Amber K. Regis 64
Brief Lives: Virginia Woolf, by E. H. Wright …… John Holding 69
Reports of Society events
Thirteenth Annual Virginia Woolf Birthday Lecture, by Michael Whitworth …… Stephen Barkway 76
Reading Group Meeting: ‘Royalty’ …… Sarah M. Hall 78
Julia Briggs Memorial Prize 2013 …… 81
For Members
Fourteenth Annual General Meeting …… 82
Book sale …… 82
Society events …… 83
Society event open to non-Members …… 83
Other events …… 84
Books received …… 84
Society Publications …… Inside front wrapper
Instructions for contributors …… Inside rear wrapper